2024 Diocesan Assembly
Participant Resources

Post-Assembly Resources

  • Discernment Feedback

    Unedited, pre-sorted feedback from the discernment groups at the 2024 Diocesan Assembly.

  • Analysis of Discernment Feedback

  • Conversations in the Spirit Resources

    Process, worksheets, timers and other resources to support Conversations in the Spirit in your own context.

  • Update Videos

    Videos produced for the Diocesan Assembly which provide an update of the work accomplished in response to the 2021 Diocesan Assembly Recommendations and Regional Assemblies.

  • Assembly Prayer Resources

  • Massimo Faggioli Public Lecture

    Audio recording of the lecture presented by visiting professor, Massimo Faggioli, Phd on Preparing for the Jubilee Year in 2025: Pope Francis, Vatican II and Synodality.

Study Materials for Discernment Groups

Source Documents

Background study materials have been curated for each of the Discernment Groups. The study materials have been selected from the source documents listed below. Familiarisation with the materials will assist Assembly participants to confidently discern the topics. Click on the arrow to learn more about each source document.

  • The 5th Australian Plenary Council involved widespread consultation and a vigorous discernment process spanning several years. The involvement of lay, religious and ordained members throughout the processes was a hallmark of this synodal process. The Plenary Council concluded in 2022 with decrees in significant areas of discernment.

    Sections from the decrees of the Plenary Council been selected due to their relevance to each discernment topic. Plenary Council Decrees may be read in full at https://plenarycouncil.catholic.org.au/

  • The 2021 Adelaide Diocesan Assembly involved diocesan-wide consultation as well as over 60 discernment groups at the Assembly. Each group produced a set of recommendations for the Archdiocese, local communities and the Universal Church.

    Recommendations from the 2021 Adelaide Diocesan Assembly have been selected due to their relevance to each discernment topic. The full list of recommendations may be found online, CLICK HERE.

  • A Synodal Church in Mission – Synod Synthesis Report is the latest in a series of feedback documents in the Global Synod on Synodality. The process has involved global consultation, feedback and ongoing discernment at every level of the Church. The Synthesis Report was published following the first session of the Synod assembly in October 2023. Each diocese was asked to provide feedback to the synthesis report. The Archdiocese of Adelaide’s feedback can be found HERE.

    Sections from A Synodal Church in Mission, Synod Synthesis Report, have been selected due to their relevance to each discernment topic. The full report may be found online at https://www.synod.va/en/news/a-synodal-church-in-mission.html

  • The following recommendations from Light from the Southern Cross: Promoting Co-Responsible Governance in the Catholic Church in Australia were selected due to their relevance to the discernment topic. The full report is available online. CLICK HERE.

  • The following sections from Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) have been selected due to their relevance to the discernment topic. The full report may be found online CLICK HERE.

  • Being Church Together: A Theology, Vision and Guiding Principles for the Parish-School Relationship is available online at https://adelaide.catholic.org.au/our-works-and-community/pastoral-services/publications

  • Drawn into the Joy of the Gospel: Formation in the Archdiocese of Adelaide is available online at https://adelaide.catholic.org.au/our-works-and-community/pastoral-services/publications

  • Following the 2021 Diocesan Assembly, an interim Diocesan Pastoral Council was set up to discern the Vision and Mission for the Archdiocese and establish strategic pastoral priorities. After a period of consultation the Vison and Mission was formally introduced in July 2023.

Other helpful resources

Discernment Topics and Study Materials

After consultation with leadership bodies in the Archdiocese, five discernment topics have been chosen for the 2024 Diocesan Assembly. Click on the the button below to access the study materials for each topic.