Community Life and Worship
2021 Diocesan Assembly Work
Pre-Assembly Consultation.
Prior to the 2021 Diocesan Assembly, people in the Archdiocese were surveyed about what topics and issues they wanted discussed at the Assembly. Many of the responses dealt with questions, challenges and issues related to Community Life and Worship:
Parish and community life were of great concern to people as these are the primary references of church for most people. Many people asked the questions, “Why are people no longer attending Mass” and “How can we become and more welcoming and inclusive church?” Some people expressed concern and sadness at the decreasing number of people involved in parish life in the wake of the pandemic. Others offered suggestions for improving community life by developing more contemporary liturgies, offering programs and activities for children, families and young people, building stronger relationships between schools and parishes, and engaging in the wider community outside the church walls. Several people mentioned the growing cultural diversity of the Archdiocese as both a gift and a challenge.
People were concerned about church finances, upkeep of buildings and properties, employment of parish workers, regional communities, and finding new leaders and volunteers.
Liturgy was also a significant theme for many people. Some are looking for new and inclusive language for readings and prayers, others are advocating that more traditional forms of the liturgy, such as the Latin Mass, be promoted. Respondents were divided on how Mass should be celebrated (contemporary or traditional), what music is appropriate and what would attract non-church-goers to Mass, especially young people. Many indicated that homilies need better preparation and should reflect the assembly in the light of the readings.
Click here to read the 2021 consultation analysis.
Assembly Recommendations.
At the 2021 Diocesan Assembly, participants gathered in groups according to the six pastoral themes. In the area of Community Life and Worship, 39 recommendations were developed (click here to read the recommendations).
Parishes are central to the expression of the Christian life. To enhance parish life, we must develop strategies, resources and formation for parishes and communities to be places of hospitality, welcome, inclusion and belonging and to become outward focused and engaged in mission. Greater collaboration and communication between schools and parishes. Diverse liturgical and eucharistic celebrations that reflect the realities of the people in the communities, including music, language, homilies, and ministries and leadership.
Recommendations were developed in other groups that crossed over with this theme. You can find these in the full list of recommendations. Click here to access all the recommendations developed at the 2021 Diocesan Assembly in the six pastoral themes
2022 Diocesan Assembly Work
Pre-Assembly Feedback.
In 2022, parishes, schools, communities and Catholic agencies were invited to provide feedback on the 2021 Diocesan Assembly Recommendations by prioritising their top three recommendations for the Archdiocese, and choosing their top three for their own context.
Click here to view the Feedback Results.
Click on the image to download a pdf version of the infographic.
Key Questions
How do we empower the faithful to live out their Baptism as disciples of Jesus called to the table of the Lord, the altar of sacrifice?
How do we become a participatory church where parishes, schools, movements and organisations recognise that every person brings unique graces and gifts, and that all persons contribute to building the Body of Christ?
In your experience what attitudes and behaviours in your parish have contributed to a sense of belonging and building a community that supports people in their life situations?
What does a welcoming and inclusive community look like? How might our parishes, schools and services provide Christian hospitality?
What roles in parishes are needed, or would be helpful for building parish and community life?
How might we better embrace the diverse liturgical traditions of the Churches which make up the Catholic Church and the cultural gifts of indigenous and immigrant communities to enrich the spirituality and worship of the Church in Australia?
How might liturgical language, ritual and practice better reflect the lives of our people?
What kinds of leadership would you like the Archdiocese to provide about the celebration of the Mass and Sacraments? Would guidelines about some of these aspects of liturgy be helpful to parishes? If so, which ones are most important?
Support and Resources
From the 2022 Diocesan Assembly
Access the presentation materials from the ‘Theological Foundations’ Workshop at the 2022 Diocesan Assembly. This workshop was presented by Dr. Jenny O’Brien of the Archdiocesan Office for Worship.
Community Life and Worship Team
The area within the Archdiocesan Pastoral Services Team responsible for guiding and supporting liturgical practices and formation.
Multicultural Services
Multicultural Services within the Justice Healing and Inclusion area of the Pastoral Services Team support migrant chaplaincies, Catholic cultural communities and the multicultural realities of parish life.
Diocesan Liturgical Commission
The Diocesan Liturgical Commission provides opportunities for formation and develops policy for the liturgical life of the Archdiocese of Adelaide. For information about the DLC, contact Simone Brosig at
Pastoral Support
The Pastoral Services Team provides support to parishes, communities and schools in the area of hospitality, welcome, community development, and pastoral support.
Being Church Together
Being Church Together is a join initiative of the Archdiocese of Adelaide, Diocese of Port Pirie and Catholic Education South Australia which seeks to support the relationship between parishes worshiping communities and school communities.
Drawn into the Joy of the Gospel
Drawn into the Joy of the Gospel is the guiding document for formation in the Archdiocese of Adelaide.