Outreach and Accompaniment of Children, Families and Young People
2021 Diocesan Assembly Work
Pre-Assembly Consultation.
Prior to the 2021 Diocesan Assembly, people in the Archdiocese were surveyed about what topics and issues they wanted discussed at the Assembly. Many of the responses dealt with questions, challenges and issues related to Outreach and Accompaniment to Children, Families and Young People:
Many people asked the questions, “where are our young people? How can we bring them back to church?” Others asked, “how can we support young people, children and their families?” Some people are asking for advice for outreach and engagement with young people, others look to young people as a solution to diminishing Mass attendance, but they do not know how to attract them. Many are wondering how to support parents of young children and strengthen family life. How can communities welcome and support families, children and young people?
Young people under the age of 30 asked for mental health support, for the parish community to be open to the ideas and leadership from young people, opportunities to connect and serve in the community, and they are asking for guidance and accompaniment from elders. People also asked for communities to be more supportive of families, to engage children through programs and activities, and offer age-appropriate faith formation and liturgies.
Several respondents called for a re-commitment to providing safe environments for young people in our parishes, schools and communities.
Click here to read the 2021 consultation analysis.
Assembly Recommendations.
At the 2021 Diocesan Assembly, participants gathered in groups according to the six pastoral themes. In the area of Outreach and Accompaniment to Children, Families and Young People, 40 recommendations were developed (click here to read the recommendations).
Accompaniment of children, families and young people means building personal relationships with individuals and developing and understanding of their needs and life situations. We must respond to the needs of children, families and young people by providing new, relevant, and accessible ways for them to be in community, be formed in their faith, and participate in the life, faith and mission of the church.
Recommendations were developed in other groups that crossed over with this theme. You can find these in the full list of recommendations. Click here to access all the recommendations developed at the 2021 Diocesan Assembly in the six pastoral themes
2022 Diocesan Assembly Work
Pre-Assembly Feedback.
In 2022, parishes, schools, communities and Catholic agencies were invited to provide feedback on the 2021 Diocesan Assembly Recommendations by prioritising their top three recommendations for the Archdiocese, and choosing their top three for their own context.
Click here to view the Feedback Results.
A high priority was placed on Outreach and Accompaniment to Children, Families and Young People, particularly in the areas of young people, and youth leadership formation.
Click on the image to download a pdf version of the infographic.
Key Questions
How do we become a church that goes out to meet children, families and young people wherever they are, responds to their needs, and engages in ongoing accompaniment with them in safe and supportive communities?
What does it mean to be a missionary church, an outward facing church, in regard to children, families and young people?
How might the diocese and parishes better support families with young children? How do we learn what these families would find nurturing and helpful?
How might the church engage more meaningfully with young people to enable them to find a ‘place to belong’?
How do we allow the insights, challenges and experiences of young people, children and families to inform and influence our church – parishes, schools, communities and services?
What particular approaches need to be strengthened and supported to develop youth leadership as an integral part of Church leadership?
What would it look like to provide inter-generational accompaniment in our communities? How are the young and the elderly looked after together?
Support and Resources
From the 2022 Diocesan Assembly
Access the presentation materials from the ‘Theological Foundations’ Workshop at the 2022 Diocesan Assembly. This workshop was presented by Sr. Jenny Seal, OLSH and Julian Nguyen from the Family Faith Formation Team and Catholic Office for Young and Young Adults.
Catholic Office for Youth and Young Adults
Archdiocesan agency leading ministry with young people ages 16-30s.
Family Faith Formation Team
Family faith formation, catechesis and sacramental preparation for children.
Council for Ministry with Young People
The advisory council which provides the vision and guidance for ministry with young people in the Archdiocese of Adelaide. For information about the Council, contact Julian Nguyen in COYYA julian.nguyen@cesa.catholic.edu.au