Young Share Vibrant Faith

Published in the Southern Cross on 10 December 2021

“More than 100 young people shared their experiences of faith and hopes for the local Church at the Diocesan Youth Assembly held at Nazareth College, Findon Campus, last month. The day included a panel discussion with young participants in the recent Plenary Council of Australia and Diocesan Assembly, group conversations, prayer and music.

Catholic Office for Youth and Young Adults coordinator Peter Bierer said what made the day so special was the “respect and acknowledgment of the diversity of experiences of the participants”.

“There was a real sense of people listening to one another, wanting to work together, and celebrate being the young church of the Archdiocese of Adelaide,” he said.

“It was a model of what church can be – for the rest of us!”

Participants aged 16 to 30 were joined by parish, school and community leaders, including Archbishop Patrick O’Regan. The results of the discussions will feed into the Diocesan Pastoral Council, the Council for Ministry for Young People and diocesan agencies.”

Read the full article here: ; The results of the Diocesan Youth Assembly can be found at


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