Local voice on Vatican youth body

First published in the Southern Cross Newspaper on 19 November 2021.


“Adelaide’s Madeline Forde has been appointed to the international youth advisory body established by the Vatican’s Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life. The former Sacred Heart College student is currently the pastoral associate (students) at Australian Catholic University’s Blacktown campus but previously worked as a youth minister in Adelaide and is a member of the Plenary Council for the Archdiocese of Adelaide.

Madeline, 25, has been actively involved in the Australian Catholic Youth Festival and has a strong interest in social justices issues.

“I was surprised when contacted by the Dicastery and humbled by the invitation to be a part of the international youth advisory body,” Ms Forde said.

Archbishop of Adelaide Patrick O’Regan expressed his joy at Ms Forde’s appointment.

“Madeline is a valued member of our community,” he said.

“She is energetic, has a preferential option to stand with the marginalised and is a strong young woman of faith. She will make an invaluable contribution as she takes on this role.”

Read the full article here https://thesoutherncross.org.au/news/2021/11/19/local-voice-on-vatican-youth-advisory-body/


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