What happened at the Plenary Council

Published in the Southern Cross Newspaper on 19 November 2021

“Hallett Cove parishioner Kevin Liston, who closely observed the proceedings of the first assembly of the historic Plenary Council of Australia, says many things happened but what stands out is that Catholics found their voices and spoke with authority.

Catholics were able to express themselves in a forum never before seen in Australia. They spoke openly and directly.

In them we saw credibility and authenticity as they spoke of their experiences, hopes and aspirations for themselves, their families, their communities and their Church. We witnessed something genuine that has been missing from our Church for too long.

This was true for observers as well as members of the Council. It was as if Catholics were coming out of the shadows. There was a shift from the Church of the bishops to the Church of the people and bishops. It gave Catholics a platform and they found their voices. The events of the Plenary Council were online, available to see and hear for anyone who was interested.

Our previous experience of similar Catholic gatherings was proceedings behind closed doors with official announcements and reports later. If we were lucky, leaks occurred over time to reveal what really went on.”

Read the full article at https://thesoutherncross.org.au/opinion/2021/11/19/what-happened-at-the-plenary-council/


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