Together on the Way

In 2021 Pope Francis announced plans for the next Synod of Bishops in 2023 to discuss synodality. To prepare for this gathering, the Vatican is conducting the largest consultation of people in human history! The consultations will take place in three parts: diocesan, country and regional. In the first phase, all are invited to respond to one of the questions being posed by the Vatican. You can view the questions and share your responses here.

The Archdiocese of Adelaide is also required to submit its own report based on local consultation. We will be writing our diocesan report based on the local consultations from the Plenary Council listening and dialogue phases, feedback from the In the Light of the Southern Cross meetings in 2020, and 2021 Adelaide Diocesan Assembly consultations and recommendations. The Archdiocese will also be working with people and groups who may have missed out on the consultations, or who may be on the peripheries of church and society.

Each of these journeys, the Diocesan Assembly, Plenary Council, and 2023 Synod, are intertwined and inform the other. What we discern for the local parish we probably wish for the global church, and what we want for the global we would see evident in our local community. Thus, we are “Together on the Way” locally, nationally and globally.

Click the links for more information on the Plenary Council and 2023 Synod.


What’s in it for us?


The History of Synodality: It’s older than you think.