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A closer look at synodality and its promise for a more inclusive church

Hosffman Ospino, a professor of theology at Boston College, interviews Rafael Luciani, one of the world's leading experts on the topic of synodality.

Luciani, a native of Venezuela, serves as a theological expert for the regional Latin American Episcopal Council (CELAM) and the Confederation of Latin American Religious (CLAR). He is also one of three Latin American theologians invited as expert advisors for the theological commission of the Secretariat for the next Synod of Bishops.

In the interview, Ospino and Luciani talk about why some Catholics seem reluctant or unwilling to consider synodality as a way of being church, and what it means that Sr. Nathalie Becquart, Luciani's former student, will be the first woman serving as a voting member at a Vatican synod.

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Assembly with a Difference

On September 17 and 18 this year, delegates nominated from each region of the Archdiocese will gather with Archbishop O’Regan at Cabra College, Cumberland Park, to reflect on the life of our community, and to discern how we can more fully embrace our calling to be the People of God in this place. The event is being organised by a small committee led by Sarah Moffatt from the Archbishop’s office.

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